Everything in one place: With this app you can see all the Volksverpetzer content - without needing an account on all the social media platforms. Free and without ads! Not only our analyzes and fact checks, but also all sharepics, videos and memes.
You can also flexibly set what appears in your feed yourself. You find our memes cringe? Away with it! Just want memes? OK treat yourself!
Best of all, you can also search all common fact check sites and report fakes to us if they have not yet been processed!
Fakes go viral because they can adapt perfectly to the algorithms - after all, they don't have to worry about being correct. Fact checks and counter-narratives cannot keep up. Volksverpetzer has been trying for years to trick the algorithm with emotions, entertainment, clickbait and lurid titles in order to give fact checks reach. But with this app, we can take some of the power out of platforms to dictate what we see. You no longer have to hope that even though you follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or anywhere else, you are one of the few who will also see our posts.
And through your contribution in sharing the content, spreading the facts and the studies, maybe we can really educate and at least counteract the power of the multi-billion dollar platforms (and their owners) and the big media publishers.
And of course: You won't miss any of our extensive research - and you can even set up push notifications for fact checks. So that the facts about the counter-speech can be spread as quickly as possible on social media.
Data protection and your digital privacy are also important to us, which is why the app does not use Google Analytics & Co and of course we cannot track you. And it will also become open source in the future, because - as with our research - we have nothing to hide.
As already mentioned, the Volksverpetzer app, like all of our content, is completely free for everyone. The fake news is free, so the clarification must not be behind a paywall. With this you can participate directly in the fight against disinformation, anti-democracy and hatred - and you can inform yourself or others - and also simply entertain, because we not only have dry analyses, but everything is also interesting as always. Because if fake news is one thing, it's not boring. The fact checks must not lag behind.
From now on you can conveniently share fact checks, memes and sharepics from the app - so that we can take the power of algorithms over our political discourse away. Thank you!
The Volksverpetzer team